Configuring REX-Ray

Tweak this, turn that, peek behind the curtain...


This page reviews how to configure REX-Ray to suit any environment, beginning with the the most common use cases, exploring recommended guidelines, and finally, delving into the details of more advanced settings.

Basic Configuration

This section outlines the two most common configuration scenarios encountered by REX-Ray's users:

  1. REX-Ray as a stand-alone CLI tool
  2. REX-Ray as a service


Please remember to replace the placeholders in the following examples with values valid for the systems on which the examples are executed.

The example below specifies the volumePath property as $HOME/VirtualBox/Volumes. While the text $HOME will be replaced with the actual value for that environment variable at runtime, the path may still be invalid. The volumePath property should reflect a path on the system on which the VirtualBox server is running, and that is not always the same system on which the libStorage server is running.

So please, make sure to update the volumePath property for the VirtualBox driver to a path valid on the system on which the VirtualBox server is running.

The same goes for VirtualBox property endpoint as the VirtualBox web service is not always available at

Stand-alone CLI Mode

It is possible to use REX-Ray directly from the command line without any configuration files. The following example uses REX-Ray to list the storage volumes available to a Linux VM hosted by VirtualBox:


The examples below assume that the VirtualBox web server is running on the host OS with authentication disabled and accessible to the guest OS. For more information please refer to the VirtualBox storage driver documentation.

$ rexray volume --service virtualbox
- attachments:
  - instanceID:
      id: e71578b0-1bfb-4fa5-bcd5-4ae982fd4a9b
      driver: virtualbox
    status: /Users/akutz/VirtualBox/libStorage/libStorage.vmdk
    volumeID: 1b819454-a280-4cff-aff5-141f4e8fd154
  name: libStorage.vmdk
  size: 64
  status: /Users/akutz/VirtualBox/libStorage/libStorage.vmdk
  id: 1b819454-a280-4cff-aff5-141f4e8fd154
  type: ""

In addition to listing volumes, the REX-Ray CLI can be used to create and remove them as well as manage volume snapshots. For an end-to-end example of volume creation, see Hello REX-Ray.

Embedded Server Mode

When operating as a stand-alone CLI, REX-Ray actually loads an embedded libStorage server for the duration of the CLI process and is accessible by only the the process that hosts it. This is known as Embedded Server Mode.

While commonly used when executing one-off commands with REX-Ray as a stand-alone CLI tool, Embedded Server Mode can be utilized when configuring REX-Ray to advertise a static libStorage server as well. The following qualifications must be met for Embedded Server Mode to be activated:

Auto Service Mode

The Stand-alone CLI Mode example also uses the --service flag. This flag's argument sets the libstorage.service property, which has a special meaning inside of REX-Ray -- it serves to enabled Auto Service Mode.

Services represent unique libStorage endpoints that are available to libStorage clients. Each service is associated with a storage driver. Thus Auto Service Mode minimizes configuration for simple environments.

The value of the libstorage.service property is used to create a default service configured with a storage driver. This special mode is only activated if all of the following conditions are met:

Because the above example met the auto service mode conditions, REX-Ray created a service named virtualbox configured to use the virtualbox driver. This service runs on the libStorage server embedded inside of REX-Ray and is accessible only by the executing CLI process for the duration of said process. When used in this manner, the service name must also be a valid driver name.

Service Mode

REX-Ray can also run as a persistent service that advertises both Docker Volume Plug-in and libStorage endpoints.

Docker Volume Plug-in

This section refers to the only operational mode that REX-Ray supported in versions 0.3.3 and prior. A UNIX socket is created by REX-Ray that serves as a Docker Volume Plugin compliant API endpoint. Docker is able to leverage this endpoint to deliver on-demand, persistent storage to containers.

The following is a simple example of a configuration file that should be located at /etc/rexray/config.yml. This file can be used to configure the same options that were specified in the previous CLI example. Please see the advanced section for a complete list of configuration options.

  service: virtualbox
  volumePath: $HOME/VirtualBox/Volumes

Once the configuration file is in place, rexray service start can be used to start the service. Sometimes it is also useful to add -l debug to enable more verbose logging. Additionally, it's also occasionally beneficial to start the service in the foreground with the -f flag.

$ rexray start

Starting REX-Ray...SUCCESS!

  The REX-Ray daemon is now running at PID 15724. To
  shutdown the daemon execute the following command:

    sudo /usr/bin/rexray stop

At this point requests can now be made to the default Docker Volume Plugin and Volume Driver advertised by the UNIX socket rexray at /run/docker/plugins/rexray.sock. More details on configuring the Docker Volume Plug-in are available on the Schedulers page.

libStorage Server and Client

In addition to Embedded Server Mode, REX-Ray can also expose the libStorage API statically. This enables REX-Ray to server and a libStorage server and perform only a storage abstraction role.

If the desire is to establish a centralized REX-Ray server that is called on from remote REX-Ray instances then the following example will be useful. The first configuration is for running REX-Ray purely as a libStorage server. The second defines how one would would use one or more REX-Ray instances in a libStorage client role.

The following examples require multiple systems in order to fulfill these different roles. The Hello REX-Ray section on the front page has an end-to-end illustration of this use case that leverages Vagrant to provide and configure the necessary systems.

libStorage Server

The example below illustrates the necessary settings for configuring REX-Ray as a libStorage server:

      disabled: true
  host: tcp://
  embedded: true
    type: controller
        address: tcp://:7979
        driver: virtualbox
  volumePath: $HOME/VirtualBox/Volumes

In the above sample, the default Docker module is disabled. This means that while the REX-Ray service would be running, it would not be available to Docker on that host.

The libstorage section defines the settings that configure the libStorage server:

Property Description Instructs local clients which libStorage endpoint to access
libstorage.embedded Indicates the libStorage server should be started even though the property is defined
libstorage.client.type When set to controller this property indicates local clients perform no integration activities
libstorage.server.endpoints The available libStorage server HTTP endpoints The configured libStorage services

Start the REX-Ray service with rexray service start.

libStorage Client

On a separate OS instance running REX-Ray, the follow command can be used to list the instance's available VirtualBox storage volumes:

$ rexray volume -h tcp://REXRAY_SERVER:7979 -s virtualbox

An alternative to the above CLI flags is to add them as persistent settings to the /etc/rexray/config.yml configuration file on this instance:

  host:    tcp://REXRAY_SERVER:7979
  service: virtualbox

Now the above command can be simplified further:

$ rexray volume

Once more, the REX-Ray service can be started with rexray service start and the REX-Ray Docker Volume Plug-in endpoint will utilize the remote libStorage server as its method for communicating with VirtualBox.

Again, a complete end-to-end Vagrant environment for the above example is available at Hello REX-Ray.

Example sans Modules

Lets review the major sections of the configuration file:

  logLevel: warn
  service: virtualbox
            size: 1
  volumePath: $HOME/VirtualBox/Volumes

Settings occur in three primary areas:

  1. rexray
  2. libstorage
  3. virtualbox

The rexray section contains all properties specific to REX-Ray. The YAML property path rexray.logLevel defines the log level for REX-Ray and its child components. All of the rexray properties are documented below.

Next, the libstorage section defines the service with which REX-Ray will communicate via the property libstorage.service. This property also enables the Auto Service Mode discussed above since this configuration example does not define a host or services section. For all information related to libStorage and its properties, please refer to the libStorage documentation.

Finally, the virtualbox section configures the VirtualBox driver selected or loaded by REX-Ray, as indicated via the libstorage.service property. The libStorage Storage Drivers page has information about the configuration details of each driver, including VirtualBox.


The -l|--logLevel option or rexray.logLevel configuration key can be set to any of the following values to increase or decrease the verbosity of the information logged to the console or the REX-Ray log file (defaults to /var/log/rexray/rexray.log).


The command rexray env can be used to print out the runtime interpretation of the environment, including configured properties, in order to help diagnose configuration issues.

$ rexray env | grep DEFAULT | sort -r

Advanced Configuration

The following sections detail every last aspect of how REX-Ray works and can be configured.

Example with Modules

Modules enable a single REX-Ray instance to present multiple personalities or volume endpoints, serving hosts that require access to multiple storage platforms.

Defining Modules

The following example demonstrates a basic configuration that presents two modules using the VirtualBox driver: default-docker and vb2-module.

  logLevel: warn
      type: docker
      desc: The default docker module.
      host: unix:///run/docker/plugins/vb1.sock
        service: virtualbox
                  size: 1
        volumePath: $HOME/VirtualBox/Volumes
      type: docker
      desc: The second docker module.
      host: unix:///run/docker/plugins/vb2.sock
        service: virtualbox
                  size: 1
        volumePath: $HOME/VirtualBox/Volumes
  service: virtualbox

Whereas the previous example did not use modules and the example above does, they both begin by defining the root section rexray. Unlike the previous example, however, the majority of the libstorage section and all of the virtualbox section are no longer at the root. Instead the section rexray.modules is defined. The modules key in the rexray section is where all modules are configured. Each key that is a child of modules represents the name of a module.


Please note that while most of the libstorage section has been relocated as a child of each module, the libstorage.service property is still defined at the root to activate Auto Service Mode as a quick-start method of property configuring the embedded libStorage server.

The above example defines two modules:

  1. default-module

    This is a special module, and it's always defined, even if not explicitly listed. In the previous example without modules, the libstorage and virtualbox sections at the root actually informed the configuration of the implicit default-docker module. In this example the explicit declaration of the default-docker module enables several of its properties to be overridden and given desired values. The Advanced Configuration section has more information on Default Modules.

  2. vb2-module

    This is a new, custom module configured almost identically to the default-module with the exception of a unique host address as defined by the module's host key.

Notice that both modules share many of the same properties and values. In fact, when defining both modules, the top-level libstorage and virtualbox sections were simply copied into each module as sub-sections. This is perfectly valid as any configuration path that begins from the root of the REX-Ray configuration file can be duplicated beginning as a child of a module definition. This allows global settings to be overridden just for a specific modules.

As noted, each module shares identical values with the exception of the module's name and host. The host is the address used by Docker to communicate with REX-Ray. The base name of the socket file specified in the address can be used with docker --volume-driver=. With the current example the value of the --volume-driver parameter would be either vb1 of vb2.

Modules and Inherited Properties

There is also another way to write the previous example while reducing the number of repeated, identical properties shared by two modules.

  logLevel: warn
      host: unix:///run/docker/plugins/vb1.sock
                  size: 1
      type: docker
  service: virtualbox
  volumePath: $HOME/VirtualBox/Volumes

The above example may look strikingly different than the previous one, but it's actually the same with just a few tweaks.

While there are still two modules defined, the second one has been renamed from vb2-module to vb2. The change is a more succinct way to represent the same intent, and it also provides a nice side-effect. If the host key is omitted from a Docker module, the value for the host key is automatically generated using the module's name. Therefore since there is no host key for the vb2 module, the value will be unix:///run/docker/plugins/vb2.sock.

Additionally, virtualbox sections from each module definition have been removed and now only a single, global virtualbox section is present at the root. When accessing properties, a module will first attempt to access a property defined in the context of the module, but if that fails the property lookup will resolve against globally defined keys as well.

Finally, the libstorage section has been completely removed from the vb2 module whereas it still remains in the default-docker section. Volume creation requests without an explicit size value sent to the default-docker module will result in 1GB volumes whereas the same request sent to the vb2 module will result in 16GB volumes (since 16GB is the default value for the libstorage.integration.volume.operations.create.default.size property).

Defining Service Endpoints

Multiple libStorage services can be defined in order to leverage several different combinations of storage provider drivers and their respective configurations. The following section illustrates how to define two separate services, one using the ScaleIO driver and one using VirtualBox:

      host:     unix:///run/docker/plugins/virtualbox.sock
      spec:     /etc/docker/plugins/virtualbox.spec
        service: virtualbox
      type:     docker
      host:     unix:///run/docker/plugins/scaleio.sock
      spec:     /etc/docker/plugins/scaleio.spec
        service: scaleio
        driver: scaleio
        driver: virtualbox
  endpoint:             https://SCALEIO_GATEWAY/api
  insecure:             true
  userName:             SCALEIO_USER
  password:             SCALEIO_PASS
  systemName:           SCALEIO_SYSTEM_NAME
  protectionDomainName: SCALEIO_DOMAIN_NAME
  storagePoolName:      SCALEIO_STORAG_NAME
  volumePath: $HOME/VirtualBox/Volumes

Once the services have been defined, it is then up to the modules to specify which service to use. Notice how the default-docker module specifies the virtualbox service as its libstorage.service. Any requests to the Docker Volume Plug-in endpoint /run/docker/plugins/virtualbox.sock will utilize the libStorage service virtualbox on the backend.

Defining a libStorage Server

The following example is very similar to the previous one, but in this instance there is a centralized REX-Ray server which services requests from many REX-Ray clients.

      disabled: true
  host:     tcp://
  embedded: true
    type: controller
        address: tcp://:7979
        driver: scaleio
        driver: virtualbox
  endpoint:             https://SCALEIO_GATEWAY/api
  insecure:             true
  userName:             SCALEIO_USER
  password:             SCALEIO_PASS
  systemName:           SCALEIO_SYSTEM_NAME
  protectionDomainName: SCALEIO_DOMAIN_NAME
  storagePoolName:      SCALEIO_STORAG_NAME
  volumePath: $HOME/VirtualBox/Volumes

One of the larger differences between the above example and the previous one is the removal of the module definitions. Docker does not communicate with the central REX-Ray server directly; instead Docker interacts with the REX-Ray services running on the clients via their Docker Volume Endpoints. The client REX-Ray instances then send all storage-related requests to the central REX-Ray server.

Additionally, the above sample configuration introduces a few new properties:

Property Description Instructs local clients which libStorage endpoint to access
libstorage.embedded Indicates the libStorage server should be started even though the property is defined
libstorage.client.type When set to controller this property indicates local clients perform no integration activities
libstorage.server.endpoints The available libStorage server HTTP endpoints

Defining a libStorage Client

The client configuration is still rather simple. As mentioned in the previous section, the rexray.modules configuration occurs here. This enables the Docker engines running on remote instances to communicate with local REX-Ray exposed Docker Volume endpoints that then handle the storage-related requests via the centralized REX-Ray server.

      host:     unix:///run/docker/plugins/virtualbox.sock
      spec:     /etc/docker/plugins/virtualbox.spec
        service: virtualbox
      type:     docker
      host:     unix:///run/docker/plugins/scaleio.sock
      spec:     /etc/docker/plugins/scaleio.spec
        service: scaleio
  host: tcp://REXRAY_SERVER:7979

libStorage Configuration

REX-Ray embeds both the libStorage client as well as the libStorage server. For information on configuring the following, please refer to the libStorage documentation:

Data Directories

The first time REX-Ray is executed it will create several directories if they do not already exist:

The above directories will contain configuration files, logs, PID files, and mounted volumes. However, the location of these directories can also be influenced with the environment variable REXRAY_HOME.

REXRAY_HOME can be used to define a custom home directory for REX-Ray. This directory is irrespective of the actual REX-Ray binary. Instead, the directory specified in REXRAY_HOME is the root directory where the REX-Ray binary expects all of the program's data directories to be located.

For example, the following command sets a custom value for REXRAY_HOME and then gets a volume list:

env REXRAY_HOME=/tmp/rexray rexray volume

The above command would produce a list of volumes and create the following directories in the process:

The entire configuration section will refer to the global configuration file as a file located inside of /etc/rexray, but it should be noted that if REXRAY_HOME is set the location of the global configuration file can be changed.

Configuration Methods

There are three ways to configure REX-Ray:

The order of the items above is also the order of precedence when considering options set in multiple locations that may override one another. Values set via CLI flags have the highest order of precedence, followed by values set by environment variables, followed, finally, by values set in configuration files.

Configuration Files

There are two REX-Ray configuration files - global and user:

Please note that while the user configuration file is located inside the user's home directory, this is the directory of the user that starts REX-Ray. And if REX-Ray is being started as a service, then sudo is likely being used, which means that $HOME/.rexray/config.yml won't point to your home directory, but rather /root/.rexray/config.yml.

The next section has an example configuration with the default configuration.

Configuration Properties

The section Configuration Methods mentions there are three ways to configure REX-Ray: config files, environment variables, and the command line. However, this section will illuminate the relationship between the names of the configuration file properties, environment variables, and CLI flags.

Here is a sample REX-Ray configuration:

  logLevel: warn
  service: virtualbox
  volumePath: $HOME/VirtualBox/Volumes

The properties rexray.logLevel, libstorage.service, and virtualbox.volumePath are strings. These values can also be set via environment variables or command line interface (CLI) flags, but to do so requires knowing the names of the environment variables or CLI flags to use. Luckily those are very easy to figure out just by knowing the property names.

All properties that might appear in the REX-Ray configuration file fall under some type of heading. For example, take the configuration above:

The rule for environment variables is as follows:

Nested properties follow these rules for CLI flags:

The following table illustrates the transformations:

Property Name Environment Variable CLI Flag
rexray.logLevel REXRAY_LOGLEVEL --logLevel
libstorage.service LIBSTORAGE_SERVICE --libstorageService
virtualbox.volumePath VIRTUALBOX_VOLUMEPATH --virtualboxVolumePath

Logging Configuration

The REX-Ray log level determines the level of verbosity emitted by the internal logger. The default level is warn, but there are three other levels as well:

Log Level Description
error Log only errors
warn Log errors and anything out of place
info Log errors, warnings, and workflow messages
debug Log everything

For example, the following two commands may look slightly different, but they are functionally the same, both printing a list of volumes using the debug log level:

Use the debug log level - Example 1

rexray volume -l debug

Use the debug log level - Example 2

env REXRAY_LOGLEVEL=debug rexray volume